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The Trick – Steve Taylor

Pic by Shlomi Nissim

The trick is to trust yourself

not to try to trap your prey

or seduce your lover


If you feel frustrated

the animal will scent your anxiety

and veer away

your lover will sense your desperation

and spurn you


Your soul is delicate

you can’t shake and squeeze her

or scrape her sides

for a few last crumbs of insight


She needs time to collect herself

to gather her dissipated power

Too much force will break the mould

of invisible patterns and potentials

which give birth to beauty


She may seem barren now

but she’s not dead, only sleeping

New life is slowly seeping through

from that deep underground source

making her moist and rich again

until she’s ready to release

strange new joys

Your soul has never you let you down

and never will

as long as you are patient

as long as you are still



One response

  1. this is georgous!

    April 16, 2014 at 12:59 pm

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