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Past Events

2014 Nondual Wisdom and Psychology Conference

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Shadow & Ground: Light, Darkness and That Which Holds Them Both


About the Conference

Nonduality derives from the Sanskrit word Advaita, which means “not-two,” referring to the fundamental consciousness that underlies the apparent distinction between perceiver and perceived. From the nondual perspective, the split between self and other is a purely mental construct. This understanding, rooted in the direct experience of countless sages through millennia, is at the heart of Hindu Vedanta, Judaism, Islam, and many schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and mystical Christianity. Nonduality points to “That” which is before and beyond the projections of a seperative, self-reflexive mind. As nondual awareness emerges in the West in both therapists and clients, the practical and theoretical implications for psychotherapy are far-reaching.

This annual conference hosts leading therapists and theachers who are exploring the confluence of nondual wisdom and psychotherapy. How does psychotherapy change when therapists and clients awaken to and embody their true nature as open, lucid awareness that is essentially not separate from the whole of life? The theme of this year’s conference is light, darkness, and That which holds them both. Together we will explore skillfully working with psychological shadow material as a way of deepening our experience of the Ground of Being.


History of the Conference

The first Conference on Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy was held in 1998 at the Mt. Madonna Center in Watsonville, California, and was hosted by The Center For Timeless Wisdom, a non-profit organization established by Peter Fenner, Ph.D. Subsequent conferences have been held annually since 2000 in the San Francisco Bay Area including ones hosted by the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, John F. Kennedy University, and California Institute of Integral Studies.


Who can Attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend. While the conference presentations are geared towards the theory and practice of psychotherapy and are available to be taken for continuing education units, they are accessible to the interested public. Many graduate students and psychology interns attend along with licensed psychotherapists. Clergy, bodyworkers, and students of nondual teachings will also find the presentations of special interest.


March 28 – 30th, 2014

California Institute of Integral Studies

1453 Mission Street [Namaste Hall] San Francisco, California 94103
